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Rossodisera Events, event organization and furniture and equipment rental company
Rossodisera Events in italiano. Organizzazione eventi, noleggio arredi e attrezzature a Milano, Lombardia e non solo

ID 333 - 333,

Tipology: Art gallery Showroom
Dimensions: 150-250 m2
Position: Milan Center

The exposition room of Porta Genova is located inside a typical court of the old Milan and posses itself a small court. Being the underground/train station of Porta Genova very near, it can be reached very easily. It is suitable for expositions, presentations,

photoshooting sessions, daytime parties.

The large windows on both sides guarantee a good illumination with a diffused light.

The complex planimetry, with a granit column in the center of the main room, permits to have various different

backgrounds. Furthermore there is a smaller secondary room, raised in respect to the main room.

Skilled workers of different

kind are available if necessary.

Rossodisera Events srl
Via Eugenio Curiel 47
20017 - Mazzo di Rho (MI)
Tel. +39-0249795950 - +39-3292168067
Fax: +39-0249795950
P.iva: 09498080960
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