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Rossodisera Events, event organization and furniture and equipment rental company
Rossodisera Events in italiano. Organizzazione eventi, noleggio arredi e attrezzature a Milano, Lombardia e non solo


Cod.Product nameQuant.Price 1-3 daysPart. Tot.
1-3 days
Price 4-7 daysPart. Tot.
4-7 days
870White chest freezer Dimension: 135x65xh90 cm 1000 Watt Dimensions: 135x65xh90 cm95€95€117€117€
TOTAL up to 3 days: 95€
TOTAL up to 7 days: 117€

Rossodisera Events srl
Via Eugenio Curiel 47
20017 - Mazzo di Rho (MI)
Tel. +39-0249795950 - +39-3292168067
Fax: +39-0249795950
P.iva: 09498080960
Pay with Stripe Pay with Paypal
All rights reserved © Rossodisera Events

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